Holy Communion is a sacrament in the United Methodist Church. It is a means of God extending his grace toward us. Holy Communion is one of the specific commands of Christ to his followers. It recognizes Christ’s presence in our lives and his atoning death for us. When we commune, many things are happening. We are participating in a remembrance of Christ and the institution of the Last Supper. We share the elements together with other Christians in a shared fellowship of believers. We give thanks for what Christ has accomplished on our behalf on the cross. We participate in the passion of Christ.
We celebrate the sacrament every week at our Saturday Night Service, almost always by intinction (dipping the bread/water into the cup). We celebrate the Supper on the first of each month at our Sunday morning services. We also share the elements on special dates, such as Holy Thursday. On these occasions we share by intinction, by passing the elements through the pews, and by coming to the altar rail to receive them.
We exclusively use grape juice in our cup so that no one will be excluded from the meal.
In order to participate in the meal, one must meet only the Biblical requirements: 1) to love Christ, 2) to repent of our sin, and 3) to seek to live in peace with one another. As United Methodists, we practice an “open communion.” We believe that Christ wants all of us at the table, so all of those who have or want to have a relationship with the risen Savior are invited.