About Us
Service Time: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
100 Timothy Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037 412-751-0511

Senior Pastor – Rev. Adam Stump


Organist -- Open


Administrative Assistant – Suzie Gibbons
Suzie is the Administrative Assistant to the Pastor and the Church.


Treasurer – Tim Durant
Tim handles the practical aspects of our financial workings: paying bills, keeping records, etc.


Financial Secretary – Allene McCall
Allene keeps the financial records for our members.


Director of Church School and Children’s Ministries –Open


Director of Music and Choirs -- Open


Director of Technology -- David Herrington
Dave is responsible for the church computers and technology. He is very gifted, attentive, and shares his abilities with members of the congregation as well.


Custodian -- Brandi Basinski

The Congregation -- In the Protestant tradition, we believe in a “priesthood of all believers.” Ordination is but one order of
ministry. Every Christian is called to love and serve Jesus Christ in their homes, where they live, and
where they work.