Weekly Worship
Service Time: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
100 Timothy Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037 412-751-0511

Weekly Worship

Join Us for Worship!


SUNDAY WORSHIP – October 20 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - Led by Pastor Adam

Ministry in Music:  Hearts Afire

Scripture:  Luke 11:5-13

Message: “Christian Life:  Meditation” 


Those Serving Today

Greeters/Ushers:  Judy & Nevin Ulery

Offering Steward:  Carol Barr

Liturgist:  Colette Hucko

Jr. Church Leader:  Stephanie Davies

October 20th Bulletin

  Church Youtube channel

(note: service may take a few days to be public when searching. Use the facebook link or our video list to get to the video soon after the service)


Live Stream @ 10:00 am Sundays - Online YouTube service can be accessed on our website www.chcumc.org and choose the option for Live Stream Series for a list of available dates, the Central Highlands Facebook Page or directly by searching Central Highlands Community United Methodist Church in YouTube.

This week at Central Highlands—October 17 – October 27

THURS. 10/17    Early Dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse— 4:00 pm

                        Choir Rehearsal— 6:00 pm

                        Bell Rehearsal— 6:30 pm

SAT. 10/19         Farm Day at Triple B— 10:00 am

SUN. 10/20        Sunday School— 9:00 am

Sunday Worship— 10:00 am  

MON. 10/21       Audit— 9:00 am

                          Finance Committee— 7:00 pm

TUE. 10/22         Church Council Meeting— 7:00 pm

WED. 10/23       Pastor’s Bible Study— 10:00 am

                        Outreach— 6:00 pm

Girls Basketball— 6:00 pm

THURS. 10/24    Early Dinner at — 4:00 pm

Girl Scouts— 6:00 pm

Choir Rehearsal— 6:00 pm

Bell Rehearsal— 6:30 pm

SAT. 10/26          Spiritual Retreat— 10:00 am

SUN. 10/27         Sunday School— 9:00 am

Sunday Worship— 10:00 am  

Family Farm Day: October 19th at Triple B Farms, sign up your family in the church lobby; $16 for Adults and $5 for Kids. Come join us for a hayride, games, and farm adventures. Afterward stop by the small shop to get all of your fresh produce!

New Member Classes—Pastor Adam will be hosting New Member classes Sunday Mornings at 9am starting in October. Contact Adam if you would like to enroll!

Election Day Bake Sale Sign Up—In the lobby we have a sign up for our Election Day Bake Sale. Please sign up for a time to help us serve the community on what will be a very busy Election Day! Also make sure you put down what foods you’re willing to bring to the bake sale.

Spiritual Retreat on October 26th-  Do you desire a closer relationship with God?  Do you want to know more about who Jesus is?  Do you feel like you’re in a “rut” right now?  Do you feel like you’re on the verge of a serious life change and are seeking God’s direction? Pastor Adam will lead a retreat that comes with a lunch. Contact the office or Pastor Adam for more info.

Trunk or Treat October 31stCome decorate your car and hand out candy in the parking lot to all the neighborhood kids. This is a great outreach for the church and we would love to have you be a part of it!

“Early Dinner” every Thursday @ 4:00 pm– a group meets at local restaurants for a time of fellowship and good food! You don’t need to attend every week but whatever your schedule permits. If you need a ride, carpooling is available. Tonight’s dinner is at Longhorn! Future dinners are at Olive Garden. Please call Karen Prescott (412) 443-5906 if you plan to attend so reservations can be made. All are welcome!  

Meals on Wheels is seeking some new volunteers!!  Special needs are for kitchen help on Tuesdays and Fridays and also drivers for Fridays.  It doesn’t need to be every week, whenever you can help is gratefully appreciated.  Please contact Karen Prescott @ (412) 443-5906.

We Need Help! Karen Prescott is seeking Sunday school leaders, specifically for high schoolers. If you would like to help please reach out to her or the office.

We Need Readers– We’re looking for volunteers to take about 15 minutes out of their day on a Wednesday to read to the Preschool. Please contact Karen if you have any interest.

Best Christmas Pageant Ever– Karen Prescott has a few extra tickets to see the movie “Best Christmas Ever,” at the Waterfront on November 10th. The showing would be at 1:50, if you are interested let Karen know.

Highlander– Please get your Highlander articles in this week, so that Phil can have it out before November.

In the Lobby– We have copies of both the Upper Room Devotional and Our Daily Bread for November-December. Please take one and consider leaving a donation.

Bible Study— Every Wednesday morning at 10am come and join us for a time of study and fellowship in the lounge.


The Outreach Committee has set a new collection container on the desk in the Narthex!!  They are collecting all plastic caps from water bottles, soda bottles, etc.  These caps will be delivered to a patient of Ray Gronlund’s that will recycle for a cause.  Please remember to recycle the caps—not just for charity, but for the environment!!  They continue to collect the “aluminum tabsfrom cans—these are collected for the Ronald McDonald House of Pittsburgh.

Youth Group– The next Youth Group meeting will be November 3rd from 6:30 to 7

Love Offering– In the lobby we are collecting for Hurricane Relief to help the areas that were decimated earlier this month.

Finance Committee Meeting– This Monday at 7 the committee will be meeting, let Tim Durant know if you have any questions.

Church Council Meeting– This Tuesday at 7 the Church council will be meeting, reach out to the office if there is something that needs to be added to the agenda.

Stewardship Campaign– The office sent out giving cards by mail this week, please return those so we have a better idea of what to expect for the 2025 budget. In case you didn’t receive one in the mail there are extra giving cards on the desk in the lobby.


Hey Phil, How come I didn’t get a card in the mail? That means I don’t have an accurate or up to date address on file for you, please email or call the office so we can send you information in the mail, and you’re not left out!

“Tabs with a Purpose” – the Outreach Committee is collecting “tabs” from the top of soup, can goods and beverage cans for the Ronald McDonald House in Pittsburgh. Your TRASH gives them CASH!  Please deposit them in the container in the Narthex.


Please keep the following members & friends and their families in prayer:

  • Please keep members of our community and others in prayer who have been affected by recent gun violence.
  • Prayers for all the people affected by the Hurricanes Helene and Milton and the devastation that it raged across the Southeast.
  • Continued prayer for students and teachers.
  • Please continue to pray for the many requests offered during worship each Sunday and for the unspoken concerns on our hearts.
  • Pray for military members at home and abroad.


Intercessory Prayer List

(Please contact the church office if there are names to be removed or added to the prayer list.  Thank you.)

Prayer & Health Concerns: Bev Heid, Linda Vota, Bill Starr, Carolyn Svec, Bill Pope,     Aubrey Booth, Joe & Joyce Newmeyer, Elaine Ross, Gary Brassart, Emily Moore, Kathy Mikesell, Cheryl Burris, Audrey Jacobs, Lois King, Ronalee Slavick, Jennifer Herrington, Donna Newingham, Pete Kanski, Karen Simon, Tyler Scott, Tom Bruney, Neil Casher, Kathy Nestler, Bob Miller, Susan Kobosky, Kathy Rusz, Jamie Kanski, Jennifer, Letha, John Adams, Sandy Franks, Donna Carney, Bonnie Sari, Colleen Gantt Kiger, Katrina Greene, JR Coughron, Laura, Pat Long, Heidi Bailey, Ella Heaton, Jan Leikeram, Ken Kleber, Elizabeth, Anthony, Luke, April Andrejdes, Pam Havaran, Diana Lombardo, Kevin Sas, Gary Corey, B.J. Berich, Richard Lofgren, Chuck Puglin, Robin & Family, Keith Waltower, Nancy & Merle Shotwell, J.L. Kubinsky, Jerry Thompson,  Emily, Marlene Sherman, Dee Peters, Tom Coughenour, Jr., Louise Lindberg, Bobbie Lathrop, Lyric, Robin Cowell, Trudy Roman, Peg Kocak, Cheryl Gourley

Families grieving the loss of a loved one:  Funk Family, Craven Family, Wise Family, Christopher Greenawalt Family  (Peg Muron’s Grandson), Joseph Harbulak Family, Prescott/Wingrove/Jones Families, Ulrich Family, Howell Family, Ridge/Krol Family, Cray Family, Kubinsky/Wernke Family, Cavanaugh/Rose Family

Our homebound, nursing home and care center members:  Edna Stojanovic, Jennie Carothers, Jack Mayfield, Ruth & Jack Brothers, Marie Custer, June Nock, Emily Moore, Gail Hankins

Those serving in the Military: Seth Smith, John Anderson, Bryan Bound, Zach Lepley, Frank Coulter, Jared Booth, Joseph Puharic, Christian Painter, Chris McCall, Johnny Summers, Zach Trunzo, Tyberius Ten, William Remaley